Thursday, January 10, 2013


Family Dinner

Hello :)
It has been a long time that I didn't update my blog. Yes. I used "a long time". It doesn't mean that I am too busy to write a post :P
Honestly... I am busy doing nothing ;)

The title "Dinner" is about my family dinner and yes the feeling on this dinner.
This lovely evening took place at Bagan, one of my favorite place on the world.

I keep smiling for minutes... peaceful?? Now I can feel the word "Peace"
Everything is not going well.. but all are doing fine. :)

I can feel the wind across my face.. cold touch through my nose ~ :)
And we four ... my dad, mom, little brother and me are talking our old experiences and waiting for dishes.

I can read the feeling on my parents' eyes. Although I didn't talk too much....
Of course their missing, their caring, their worried ...
I can just tell "Thank you.. Mom and Dad" :)

There are a lot of feeling inside my heart.. but I don't have ability to change them into words.

It has been a long time that we didn't have dinner together.
The beautiful place and  the delicious dishes are addition to become a perfect family dinner.

smile :)

My life is not perfect.
I am not a princess.
I can feel some little happiness on the journey of my life.

So let me share these happiness to you.
Have a wonderful day.

Kham Su.

I am apologize for my poor English.
I am trying to my best and trying to improve my skill.

Thank you.

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