Monday, February 27, 2012

First time to Seoul

Yes. We decided to go to Seoul by ourselves. Here I mention "we" coz I'm going with my new friends.
After we took about 45min on bus, 20 min on subway. We arrived here.
This is the first image of Seoul. It's really amazing !!!

People are going here and there. Running, walking with full of strength and starting their beautiful day!!

The wave tower !!

We walked for a while and decided to go to downtown.
Took subway again. Anyway subway are nice, fast and comfortable. =D 

Before we didn't get to the gate we want we have to cross these kind of shops.
It's like underground shopping mall. 

When we out of the subway station, all of us are hungry.
The only same word from our brain are "FOOD"
Then we chose Korean restaurant. Sry I forgot this restaurant name =D
And this is Bul-go-gi. It's a kind of BBQ. We can choose the meat ..pork or beef.  

They gave a bowl of rice and vegetables. We have to mix rice and bul-go-gi into the bowl of vegetables.
Like this pic. oh ~ i really like bul-go-gi. 

After finished eating we felt sleepy =_= . So start to walk haha.
We continued our trip to Myeong-dong, a famous place to shopping ^o^
Lots of people. Lots of various kinds of things, foods.
This is my friend Rosy and me !!! (in front of the mirror haha)

Seoul tower -view from Myeong-dong.  We decided to go to Namsan tower !! Yaeeee !!! happy!!!

We have to walk a long. have to wait a role of people to get to the cable car and for the ticket.  =_=''

Cable car is coming !!!

wow ~ i really like this felling ~ kekeke

OMG !! listen to my heart beat !!! XD
Finally i arrived there!!!!

Yes. Seoul Tower. Namsan Tower.

keke it's me ~ beside me is love lock ~ this place is famous for couple and lover.
Not for single .... like me!! =P

It is in the gift shop. We can make some sweet things here. I didn't make it.
May be i can try next time. I am sure that there might be NEXT TIME. keke
OK let's stop dreaming~ time to go back.
subway~ bus~ sleepy~ tired~
I was really tired but lots of fun.  Even tired my stomach is not tired =P.And here is my dinner.
 Bi-bim-bap Korean mixed rice !!!

All in all i went there on 26th Feb. I was really tired to write this post on that day.
However i still remember those time and keep as a beautiful memories in the file of
  my exchange student life.

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