Thursday, January 10, 2013


Family Dinner

Hello :)
It has been a long time that I didn't update my blog. Yes. I used "a long time". It doesn't mean that I am too busy to write a post :P
Honestly... I am busy doing nothing ;)

The title "Dinner" is about my family dinner and yes the feeling on this dinner.
This lovely evening took place at Bagan, one of my favorite place on the world.

I keep smiling for minutes... peaceful?? Now I can feel the word "Peace"
Everything is not going well.. but all are doing fine. :)

I can feel the wind across my face.. cold touch through my nose ~ :)
And we four ... my dad, mom, little brother and me are talking our old experiences and waiting for dishes.

I can read the feeling on my parents' eyes. Although I didn't talk too much....
Of course their missing, their caring, their worried ...
I can just tell "Thank you.. Mom and Dad" :)

There are a lot of feeling inside my heart.. but I don't have ability to change them into words.

It has been a long time that we didn't have dinner together.
The beautiful place and  the delicious dishes are addition to become a perfect family dinner.

smile :)

My life is not perfect.
I am not a princess.
I can feel some little happiness on the journey of my life.

So let me share these happiness to you.
Have a wonderful day.

Kham Su.

I am apologize for my poor English.
I am trying to my best and trying to improve my skill.

Thank you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Vanilla Evening~

My evening ~
Why I choose this title??
 I think so my life is simple :)

Same day to me~
A person who make other people happy is the most loneliest person in the world~
Today, the whole day I'm alone~
Now is around 6 p.m. At the coffee shop ~ Enjoy my coffee~ enjoy the surrounding ~ life is peaceful :)

The name of the coffee shop is "ha ha" small cafe but cute and sweet~~
I ordered vanilla latte.
Ahh !!! Also the song~ kiss me by AL.
Oh so sweet~ My day is perfect :)

To tell the truth... This blog is like my diary, like my friend :')
I write down all my feeling here~
I hope one day all these words will become strength for me :)
Especially for the time I live in Korea ^^
This will keep as a beautiful memory~

Ok! I have to go back now~
Every every day is special for me :)
Because of you ~~
Bye and see u on next post!!

 Have a wonderful day!!! 
@ HaHa coffee cafe~ ^^

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My April~

Hello ~ 
These days I was so busy !_!
I start my April with my feeling ~~ 

April is very sensitive month for me ~ 
April is New Year month for Myanmar and of course I miss my family.
To tell the truth I'm not that kind of person. 
I never show my feeling to other even my family. For me it not easy to tell miss you or love you~
But my feeling is true for 100% :)

I want to tell my family~ to mom, dad, my my little NN " sorry for I can't join new year with you"
Both December New Year even and Myanmar New Year :')

I hope April will be so meaning for other people.
My April is photo month. Yes I'm taking picture all the time.

Alone!! Of course not~ with cherry ^o^
Cherry makes may homesickness away!!!

By the way tomorrow I have exam !! =_=
Instead of studying I am sharing my feeling here ~ but it's better than I watching how to make Tiramisu haha
Yesterday tooo i didn't study and watching how to make Tiramisu !!!!
I'm absolutely crazy !! x)

I think I will make one post about Tiramisu later ~ haha 

ok. Let's continue about my pretty cherry.
Here are my April model " Cherry " 
Aren't they beautiful??
More than beautiful right?? But they only have a short time to show their beauty~ 
Today it's rain and they all dropped to ground. :')   

Actually I've been to this place on February. There was no leaves nor flowers. And at that time,I know that I will come this place again for sure on April!! Now it sure haha  ^^

I walked through this cherry road alone. I felt really lonely. I already known that I will feel alone here.
And even loneliness is my friend Again!! I felt lonely :)
This is also the reason why April became sensitive for me!

I took this picture at around 8pm. So I named this picture "8p.m."
Cherry are very beautiful. The day after I took this picture, it was rain.
So no cherry at there. They are laying on the ground beautifully and peacefully.

All in all, I know I will make a lot, a lot of mistake in this post. Coz my mind is playing around.
Ahaa !! I have to study now !! =_=''
And  let's me also share the song that now i'm listening to. ok?
It's "Hello my Ex" by MBLAQ Korean pop song :)
Here - Hello My Ex =) 
Sweet, cute song ~ enjoy !! ~


P.S ~ I have been 2 month in Korea, today !!!!
Happy 2 month anniversary !! ^o^
Bye again ~ 
~Love form Korea~

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What a wonderful day !

What a wonderful day is today !!!? Yes. It's 22 of March. To tell the truth... today is nothing special.
But now it become one of the special days in my life. Start form today I was waiting. I like to wait. I heard some people don't like waiting. For me waiting is not a big process. Because I know there's always somethings good thing (for me xD ) behind "waiting". Aww! One thing today I woke up with SHINee new song named "Honesty". Isn't it beautiful. haha ... it's a good song with beautiful meaning ~ I gonna tell only good thing to SHINee coz I'm Shawol !! ㅋㅋㅋ  Here is the song link... close your eyes and enjoy the melody~~  SHINee ~ Honesty

And today SHINee released their 4th mini album with titled named Sherlock!!! Congratulation SHINee !!

I know I am crazy and I with agree that ~ everybody is not prefect right !!! ㅋㅋ
Btw ... ! I change my laughing style ~ hahaha to kekeke ( ㅋㅋㅋ..) # korean style xP

Ok let's carry on my wonderful day ~ ( I'm sure it's may not end if I keep talking about SHINee )
Why?? Why is wonderful?? coz I heard lots of good news today and I was very extremely happy!!

First ~  the one I was waiting is money .... scholar money .. P.S in this case I'm not the only one xP .
good news is that transferring is not late haha
Second ~ I was waiting SHINee new song MV Sherlock.... and I heard the song coincidentally
while having my lunch !!!!!
Third ~ I had been invited to dinner by my lovely sis!!'s not a big, great dinner but ! it a beautiful, sweet , warm dinner which is full of love and joy ^^
Fourth ~ On this coming weekend I have to go mountain trip and here just one thing I'm worried. That's I want to be with my friends on the same bus. And !!! This evening I got a mail concerning with bus registration ~ that mail gave me a lovely information !!! I'm the same bus with my friends !!!!! ^o^
Fifth ~ I just know that my old friend Moe Chay, she become Miss Tourism for 2012. Actually I already known about that. The one I didn't know is she will become ambassador !!! Now she is ambassador now!
I really proud of her ~ Congratulation Moe Chay ^___^

AND ! Today is the date that I have been Korea for one month ^^
Last month at this time ... I was running at airport ~ I still remember my funny images hehee =D

In class we learn the lesson and take the test but!! In Life, We Take the Test, Then We Learn the Lesson.
This is what I learn on my one month experience ... ~ 
Ok! everything gonna be ok! Keep smiling and  Let's enjoy foto !!!!

                                     This called MontHinKhar. It was cooked by my lovely sis.
            It's taste was not so bad, good coz I can't make it ! =)  ( but it's need sth but I don't know hehee )

        And for the dessert was Banana cup mixed with milk. 

                                                   I don't know how to call in English !Sry. hehe

       So, these all about my story. How's it? Isn't it wonderful ? 
Yes or no ..whatever.. it was wonderful for me =D
~ And I share my SMILE to you ~
Thank You.

Life is Wonderful !
                                                                    22nd March 2012.

Monday, February 27, 2012

First time to Seoul

Yes. We decided to go to Seoul by ourselves. Here I mention "we" coz I'm going with my new friends.
After we took about 45min on bus, 20 min on subway. We arrived here.
This is the first image of Seoul. It's really amazing !!!

People are going here and there. Running, walking with full of strength and starting their beautiful day!!

The wave tower !!

We walked for a while and decided to go to downtown.
Took subway again. Anyway subway are nice, fast and comfortable. =D 

Before we didn't get to the gate we want we have to cross these kind of shops.
It's like underground shopping mall. 

When we out of the subway station, all of us are hungry.
The only same word from our brain are "FOOD"
Then we chose Korean restaurant. Sry I forgot this restaurant name =D
And this is Bul-go-gi. It's a kind of BBQ. We can choose the meat ..pork or beef.  

They gave a bowl of rice and vegetables. We have to mix rice and bul-go-gi into the bowl of vegetables.
Like this pic. oh ~ i really like bul-go-gi. 

After finished eating we felt sleepy =_= . So start to walk haha.
We continued our trip to Myeong-dong, a famous place to shopping ^o^
Lots of people. Lots of various kinds of things, foods.
This is my friend Rosy and me !!! (in front of the mirror haha)

Seoul tower -view from Myeong-dong.  We decided to go to Namsan tower !! Yaeeee !!! happy!!!

We have to walk a long. have to wait a role of people to get to the cable car and for the ticket.  =_=''

Cable car is coming !!!

wow ~ i really like this felling ~ kekeke

OMG !! listen to my heart beat !!! XD
Finally i arrived there!!!!

Yes. Seoul Tower. Namsan Tower.

keke it's me ~ beside me is love lock ~ this place is famous for couple and lover.
Not for single .... like me!! =P

It is in the gift shop. We can make some sweet things here. I didn't make it.
May be i can try next time. I am sure that there might be NEXT TIME. keke
OK let's stop dreaming~ time to go back.
subway~ bus~ sleepy~ tired~
I was really tired but lots of fun.  Even tired my stomach is not tired =P.And here is my dinner.
 Bi-bim-bap Korean mixed rice !!!

All in all i went there on 26th Feb. I was really tired to write this post on that day.
However i still remember those time and keep as a beautiful memories in the file of
  my exchange student life.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dynamic Tomorrow ~ My First day at Ajou

Finally I became an exchanged student !!!
I am alone, but happy ^^
I arrived to Incheon airport at about 6 am so it was mist so... I can't see over view of Incheon airport :(
I didn't find who come and pick up me.... then I took a bus to Suwon city.
At the end of the bus stop, I found AGA member form Ajou University. They are sweet and helpful.
AWW, one thing I forgot to tell is about WEATHER !!!
It's really cold and hard to see sun here =_= ''
Even though I love it : D

Here is Ajou University map  . . .

And my dormitory is no.19 ( Hwahong Hall Dormitory)
No. 21 is dormitory dinning hall so not too worry for my meal .. kekeke
The outside view of my dormitory..

These are the views from my room

The Main Gate of
Ajou University ^___^

along the way to campus 
Perfect with natural 

                                                           Out of the dinning hall

At dinning hall ... coffee shop and Korean home food are famous.
Here is my first try korean home food it's call duk ??? sry I forgot the name keke
It's cost 2500 won !!! It's really delicious ..noodle soup, rice and kimchi !!

OK it's nearly noon  so... Let me enjoy my lunch...hmm lonely lunch ~
                                                          then see you ~ annyeong !!! ^__^

During the cold, fall season..  hot chocolate is
my haven !!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Taunggyi Taste !!!

The weather is cold in the early morning ... sometimes mist . First we will go to Sularmuni Pagoda.
This is the way to the pagoda. The pagoda is exist on the top of the hill. 
You have to ride just about 15 or 20 mins form downtown
photo by Nang Thwe.
Photo by -Nge lay 

It's has a square so most of the people come to here and do exercises. 
 AS Taunggyi is surrounded by many hills, form here you can see other hills and if you go Taunggyi in winter you can see the symbol of Taunggyi - Cherry. So, all the hills are covered by beautiful cherry trees.

Photo by-Nge Nge 

Cherry From Taunggyi ... 
I don't know the photographer ...if someone know tell him/her Thx q for me.
                                       We can see a lot of cherry trees along the way of the pagoda.

After came back form pagoda, we will go to have breakfast. 

Here are some famous foods as breakfast form Taunggyi.

Traditional Shan Noodle ...

Tofu noodle.

Fried wonton and noodle ( mee shae )
I really miss Taunggyi ....umm.. actually i become HUNGRY !! :p
Fried Tofu and Chicken soup noodle ( yuummii yumm ) 
What about LUNCH ??
Well for lunch is... Rice and traditional curry... :)
This is traditional shan state bean soup
Fried chicken ,ground bean curry (pae poat chat )and some vegetables

Fried Tofu and Tofu curry
Ya!! This all for lunch and now our plan is to the market !! Here i will not tell pic are from which, which market. Bcoz Taunggyi has more than 3 markets so~ i named it by myself as " Taunggyi Market "sorry for that :) 
ok...let's see what will have in Taunggyi market 
Btw this is the main road of Taunggyi and this is the latest foto :)
Photo by Sai Aung Min Htet.

           Well ~ This is Taunggyi Market. It is not beautiful but you can get fresh and cheap vegetables.

Various Fishes and meats ....
Fresh and clean Fruits 
oranges,apples,mangoes...bla bal bal many ~

In rainy season, mushroom can get easily in Taunggyi.
My Favorited ( kinoko ^_^ ) 

People in Shan State used to eat sour mustard. It like the tease of Korean Kinchi but it made with cabbage.   

                                                 You can also get dry products.

Now these are some traditional snacks .

Call ...Paut Cho, Mote Par Lu and Mote lat Kwin

Snacks made with beans. ( fried beans )

This is not only Shan State snack but also Myanmar traditional food.
I don't know how to call in English. ( sorry i will search later )

And this one called dry rice ( san lon si ) 
Two kinds simple and sweet. 
These all are hints for Taunggyi Market. Hope you will enjoy ~
There has other foods in Taunggyi. May be later i can.... 
Thanks alot to Taunggyi Group (Admins and friends ) -
and My Genie - Google :)
                      If there has sth worng sorry for that and suggestions are welcome.
                                            Thank a million and have a nice day ^^